Founded in 2017 by local native Felix Tagalog, along with his fellow local freedivers, Seaborn embarked on a mission to share the captivating beauty of the underwater world with both locals and tourists. With deep roots in the El Nido community, Felix and his team aim to provide the skills and knowledge needed to fully appreciate the wonders of the underwater realm.
The year 2017 marked a significant milestone as Felix, along with his brother Ruben and his best freediving buddies Makmak, Julius and Mark embarked on the path to becoming licensed freedivers. This transformative journey ignited a spark of inspiration and an unwavering desire to share the magic of freediving with the world. Trained by a two-time National Record Holder in the No Fins discipline (2019 and 2021) named Cezar Sayosay, Felix and his colleagues’ remarkable skills and innate connection with the water caught Cezar's attention. This guidance further polished their talents, enabling them to flourish to be real examples of underwater grace.
Thus, Seaborn El Nido Freediving School was born – a haven where the art of freediving blends with local traditions and global exploration. Come, be part of our story, and let the ocean whisper its secrets in every graceful descent. As the tides continue to shape our destiny, we remain steadfast in our commitment to preserving the beauty and wonder of El Nido's marine treasures. Together, we'll dive deeper, reach higher, and create ripples of change that resonate far beyond the horizon.